As the weather hots up, lots of you will head into the garden with your family and friends to congregate around the BBQ. While you relish the opportunity to marvel over your sausages, you may be less inclined to talk about your health and yet each year 37,400 men are diagnosed with male specific cancer.
Orchid, the male cancer charity, and celebrity chefs, the Fabulous Baker Brothers (Tom and Henry Herbert) are calling on men across the UK to fire up their BBQ’s and get their bangers out from June onwards to host their own ‘Big BBQ’ and raise awareness of male specific cancers.
With plenty of occasions to get the great British Summer underway, such as National BBQ Week (May 28th – June 3rd 2012), the Diamond Jubilee bank holiday weekend (2nd June – 5th June 2012) and Father’s Day (Sunday 17th June), Orchid’s ‘Big BBQ’ initiative aims to get men fired up about their health and encourage them to get together with family, friends and colleagues during June to be the BBQ King and raise much needed funds for Orchid as well as awareness of testicular, prostate and penile cancers, highlighting signs and symptoms and encouraging self checks.
Organising a BiG BBQ couldn’t be simpler – visit to download a comprehensive information pack, which includes posters, celebrity chefs barbecue recipes, games and top tips on everything you need to make your BiG BBQ a BiG success and lots of ideas to keep the kids entertained.
A Big Chopper Board, perfect for preparing the perfect bbq, is available with the first 20 fundraising packs downloaded.