Between work and being a dad, it can be difficult to find time for yourself.
Even worse, sometimes your spare time is so short that you can’t justify leaving the house, so you don’t know how to spend your time.
That is where these hobbies come in – things you can do at home that are piecemeal or non-committal. That means you can chip away at them in your own time, building skills, without distracting you from dad life.
Try Some Bingo
First, we have a game with stakes. You can access bingo from so many places, with games like 1p Bingo (perfect for those on a budget) or those based on classic shows like Deal or No Deal. There are also plenty of welcome bonuses to make trying it out for the first time more worthwhile. All you need to play online is a computer and an internet connection, or a phone if you’d prefer to sit in the dad chair instead.
Online activities like bingo are convenient because they don’t require a time-costly (and fuel-costly) journey somewhere else. Many activities have been replicated online, making them more accessible for dads short on time. One of the main drawing points of online bingo is that you can access it anywhere, dropping in and out of games to suit your schedule.

Train With Puzzles
Next, we have puzzles. You can play with any puzzle, physical or digital, but the best ones train your brain. Crosswords and sudoku are timeless examples of brain-training games that you can pick up and put down as needed. Regularly completing these puzzles is thought to keep your brain healthy and quick enough to navigate the daily life of parenthood.
You can get these puzzles in newspapers or dedicated books, if you want something to peer over. If not, there’s always a bunch of apps and websites for free. When you get good enough, you could even create your own to sell as a side hustle.
Take Up DIY
If you’d prefer to work with your hands, you can take up DIY projects. Start small if you don’t have the time and skill to take on larger projects, otherwise it’ll become a headache. If you’re new to it, here are some projects to get you started. Clear some space, get the necessary tools, and get stuff done.
Naturally, this is an easier hobby when you’re in the home alone, so you don’t have the family tracking paint or sawdust everywhere. Everything from furniture reupholstery to electric cable management is DIY, so every dad should find something.
Learn New Recipes
Cooking is a skill that everybody must know to some extent, especially when you’re a dad. So, when cooking in your spare time, you should treat it like DIY with food. Get your hands on some recipes to try and start small if you are a total beginner.
Once you’ve followed instructions and built a base of cooking knowledge, you can experiment and add your own touch to dishes.
With these four ideas, dads everywhere have something to keep busy when they have a clear schedule.
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