From smart meters to switching suppliers, here are four ways you can save money on energy bills.
Energy is precious and it adds up when you are using it all the time in your home. Nowadays the latest cars are even powered by electricity. You can save hundreds of pounds on your energy bills with tips from experts on the issue. Everything from choosing the best energy tariff to cutting down the amount of gas and electricity you utilize affects how much energy you are using. Energy doesn’t have to be so expensive, there are plenty of ways to cut down on costs and find methods to save.
Switch energy suppliers
If you haven’t switched your energy supplier or tariff recently, within the last three years or so, there’s a good chance that you can save money. Most fixed energy deals have been provided within the last three years and if you don’t take action they will expire. You will automatically be moved on to your company’s standard, default, or temporary tariff, which is probably not the cheapest deal. Research reveals that families can be saving up to £169 per year just from switching from the most expensive standard default tariff to the cheapest one on the market.
These savings used to even be greater. Before the introduction of a price cap on standard and default energy deals from the first of the year, you could save up to £300. Don’t put off switching to the provider that will be a better deal for you. Just about 58 percent of families are on a standard and default tariffs according to the energy regulator Ofgem. This means that there are big savings you could be making.
Use smart thermostats
Technology can be your friend when it comes to saving money. Reducing room temperatures by a modest one degree can cut heating bills every year in an average home. According to the Energy Savings Trust, you can save up to £75 each year. If you don’t already have a room thermostat, programmer, and thermostatic radiator valves, you should install them. Controlling your heat allows you to turn heat and hot water off when you want to, heat only parts of the home, and all while keeping your home comfortable.
According to the site MoneyPug, which is commonly used by people in the UK as an energy comparison site, smart thermostats are the way to go, the help you operate the heating system remotely. You will be able to turn off the heat when you don’t need it using the internet. You will be able to cool or heat the property before you get home without leaving the temperature control on the whole time you are away. These smart thermostats have some sophisticated features, such as machine learning and adjusted settings for various forms of weather.
Use energy efficient light bulbs
Easily cut your bills with energy saving lightbulbs. LED light bulbs are very cheap and over its lifetime one bulb can save you up to £200. Energy-saving bulbs last longer, LEDs use almost 90 percent less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs. They are even cheaper than incandescent bulbs, it is likely that they will pay for themselves in a few months. In addition to using energy-saving bulbs, you should remember to swtich them off when you leave the room and to always use the best bulb size for it.
MOT in winter
Energy bills can skyrocket in the colder months, but maintaining the property can be quite costly as well. Failure to do so can led to home insurance claims that can cause your premiums to climb. You should take the time now to ensure that your property is winter-ready. See to it that your guttering is secure and free of debris. Make sure that your drains are not blocked. Inspect any timbers and brickwork to see if anything needs to be repaired. Checking external pipes, taps, and hoses will help you ensure that they are drained, turned off, and insulated.
However big your family and your home, there are plenty of ways to save money on energy. These aren’t the only ways. Think about what energy is costing you and think of ways to avoid losing out when you should be saving as much as possible on energy.