Generate has developed a range of sports supplements to help you perform to your highest level.
Made with food and beverage chemists, Generate’s products provide you with optimal hydration and recovery after even the toughest workouts.

The current Generate range includes two products: Electrolyte Sports Drinks and Protein Recovery Shakes.
The sports drinks are formulated to give your body what it needs before, during and after exercise, with a blend of carbohydrates and electrolytes to keep you hydrated.
This fast-acting electrolyte drink is designed to enhance your body’s ability to absorb water during exercise, maintaining your endurance and reducing the risk of cramps and muscle aches. These drinks are available in blackcurrant, lemon & lime and orange flavours.
The recovery shakes are a tasty and convenient way to get extra protein into your diet. They help you repair and grow the muscle necessary for achieving your fitness goals.
Made with brown rice and pea protein, this plant-based shake contains a whopping 26g of protein per serving, as well as being low in sugar and high in fibre. The shakes come in chocolate and vanilla flavours.
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