Here are some clever tips for first-time share investors from investment app Dabbl.
Investing in the stock market isn’t a sure fire way to getting rich quick. But history has shown that by investing little and often, the long term prognosis is typically one to cheer.
According to recent research by investment app Dabble, 72% of the UK population aged 25-34 say they haven’t built any kind of investment portfolio as it is “too complicated”.
In reality, the possibility of generating income through investing in shares is not beyond one’s reach. It is not something reserved only for the mega-rich and it can be done in an understandable and simple manner.
Remember that you’re in control, so one approach to investing may be to buy shares in the goods and services you already know and trust. By choosing to back a company you are already a fan of, you are banking on the growth of a company that you have reason to believe will succeed.
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