It can seem a long way off right now, but one day your son, currently running around the garden without a care in the world, will be a fully functioning adult.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, there is still a lot of time between these garden escapades and him signing a mortgage agreement. Although their journey to adulthood can seem long and arduous when you’re in possession of a very moody teenager for a number of years – it’ll creep up on you faster than you think!
In the eyes of the law of course, you become an adult when you reach the age of 18, but is age really the best way of defining whether or not you’re ready for the real world? Children are all individuals and will reach maturity at different stages of their lives, so what are the indicators that this change in attitude is underway?
The team over at Supercasino have been looking into this and asked a focus group of adults to jot down, at what points in their lives they felt like they had made another step towards becoming the “ultimate man”.
The responses were interesting to say the least. Check them out for yourself in the graphic below: