Working from home might sound cushy. But how do you make sure you end up doing your work?
For most fathers, struggling to keep their eyes open on the 7:30am train into work is hard. Working from home can seem like a fun vacation, then. This is a classic case of ‘grass is greener’ syndrome. Before experiencing it, you imagine it to be easier than a nine to five role. You visualise yourself having much more ‘me’ time. You can go to the gym, peruse your passions or simply have enough time to plan your work. Regretfully, this is a bubble I have to pop.
Working from home can be an uphill climb. Research (and common sense) shows that we see our homes as a place of relaxation and comfort. Not a place of work. Wasting time activities are very easy to fall into (for me, it is cleaning random nooks of the house). Is there a way to find a balance? Can you be productive from your TV lounge? The answer is yes. Follow the below tips to get started.
Visualise the finish line
Start each day with a clear, concise and attainable goal – write them down if you must. Humans work harder when there’s a deadline looming, so make sure you set your self a finish line every day. No line manager will be inviting you in every six months for an appraisal, you need to invent your own checking systems. How efficiently you meet these goals is what will make or break your day.
Manage your infrastructure
It’s so important to make sure that your home is properly kitted out for all your day-to-day needs. You’ll be spending most of your time at home. Stock up your fridge. Pay all your bills beforehand. Is the coffee machine working? Any amenities that you need to maintain productivity must be running smoothly. It is also very helpful to create a specific work space, and strictly stick to working only in this space. The goal is that your environment allows for a streamlined transition into work mode first thing in the morning.
Keep an eye on the time
In my experience, the only way to ace working from home it to have a routine. Your routine ideally must include a couple of off-periods (for the children in your home). You need to ensure that your routine and off periods are clearly communicated to your family members.
With time and practice, I’m sure you’ll be able to find your own unique balance of working from home.