Being Dad Family Parenting Survival Guide

Surviving in a female-dominated household

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Written by Tim Barnes-Clay

Living as the only male in a household which boasts an abundance of oestrogen might will most definitely have its challenges. Here are some of our top tips to help overcome any obstacles you might face:

Find your ‘thing’

Make sure you have a hobby or place to unwind physically and mentally when female emotions rise like a phoenix from a fire.

In fact, there are basic health benefits to be derived from time spent in a man-cave. Having your own space that you can retreat to, filled with your belongings, can positively affect your psychological wellbeing.

Professor Mariam Beruchashvili suggests that having a man-cave can be therapeutic. Her study, published in the Journal of Consumer Culture, found that men felt having a place to recharge made them better dads and spouses. How convenient!

Be heard

Science shows that men and women are raised and instilled with a woman’s point of view, also known as Gynocentricism. This is the idea that men and women are trained to take a woman’s side. So be sure to be assertive and express your thoughts during a family debate. Attempt to get your family to understand your point of view and do not get inundated with female opinions. Not only will you stay true to your beliefs but you will gain respect for your honesty (and even help to break-down this sexist process!).

Set your bathroom rules

A recent survey found that women spend the equivalent of one year, seven months and 15 days locked in the bathroom in their lifetime – a month longer than men. Research also proves that women are messier, so don’t stand for the ‘men are messy disorganised slobs’ stereotype.

Be sure to get your own bathroom time without being rushed. Have your own shelf or drawer for your toiletries to claim your territory within the household. And make sure you clean up after yourself so that you can’t be blamed when the bathroom is a mess.

If you keep getting in trouble by the ladies for leaving the toilet seat up, compromise by agreeing that everyone in the house must shut both the lid and seat after going to the toilet. This is a fairer alterative which can help to avoid arguments in the long run.

Challenge gender stereotypes

Be sure that chores are spread between each family member. Taking out the rubbish is not simply a man’s duty as cooking the dinner is not only a woman’s duty. Ensuring these types of jobs are not differentiated between the sexes will help gain equal respect.

Next time you are doing some handy-work, get one of your daughters to help you out. Teaching her how to complete odd jobs will not only give you an ideal opportunity to bond but will provide her with essential life skills. Single women now account for more than one in five UK households. Research by WD Bathrooms found that 60% of women are comfortable doing DIY. Make sure the ladies in your household are too.

Challenging these stereotypes can help gain mutual respect. Each household member will understand what it is like to complete chores and tasks which may put less pressure on the man of the house to complete them.